Monday, August 23, 2010

The Truth about Dog and Cat Food

You are what you eat... I think I eat a pretty healthy diet & I also prepare fresh meals for my dog everyday without questionable ingredients (yes, I'm one of those crazy pet owners)... All I want is for my naughty dog to live a long and healthy life.

I don't like to tell people what they "should & must" feed their animals but if you do care what goes into their tummies like me, here's some interesting info... read your labels...

A just released video of AAFCO* (Association of American Feed Control Officials)'s president finally admitting, on camera, that it’s allowable (and, in fact, fairly common practice) for "rendered pets" to end up in some pet food...

So what else can be rendered and made into “meat and bone meal”? Euthanized pets, road kill, expired grocery store meat (including the packaging), kill floor detritus, dead stock… etc. GROSS...

* AAFCO is the regulatory body that sets guidelines for pet food and pet food ingredients in the USA. They could quite easily ban the use of rendered pets as acceptable for inclusion in pet food – but they don’t... some pet food companies use the cheap protein count that comes from rendered meat and bone meal.

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